Thursday, November 26, 2009

Things to be thankful for

It is early in the morning and I have just finished baking pies, stuffing and custard. It is quiet and clean and I am contemplating the things I am thankful for. I love our customers. We are booked to the max and I am sure with the frenetic pace of the day I may reach a point that I am not conveying all the love I feel. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. It is about the food and we are about the food so it is a match made in heaven. It is also about gratitude and we have more than a fair share of things to be grateful for. I am grateful for this country and all that it entails. I am extremely grateful to live in the best place on the planet. I am grateful to get to work with my lovely family. I am grateful for a heart to feel, a voice to speak, a place to be and people to be with. I am looking forward to the people today that choose to spend their holiday with us. There are many reasons to go out to eat on this day. We as a culture have moved away from the huge family gatherings that were a part of my childhood. Turkeys come in a bag or from the big marketplace stores. Pies are frozen and potatoes come in a box. I am not criticizing anyone for what they do but here at JP's we do it the old fashioned way. Potatoes are peeled, Pies are made from scratch, cranberry sauce is made from fresh berries and lots of fresh, natural turkey. I think it was best said by three gentlemen who have been coming for years. They said Grandmothers all over are feeling sad and threatened because a guy that looks like Bill can outcook them. I am grateful for Bill. Happy Thanksgiving Diana

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Stormy Weather and Thanksgiving

Oh my goodness!! I can't believe it has been over a month since I have been here. I have no excuse. Tonight is the Stormy Weather Arts Festival. Creative energy is flowing and tons of people are in town. Our good friend Cathy Speer and two of our daughters are performing in our private dining room. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving. We will be serving dinner from 2 p.m. until 8p.m. Bill makes everything from scratch right down to the cranberry sauce. I bake custard and pumpkin pies and my version of my mom's stuffing. Many of the same people come every year and we look so forward to it. I can smell the sage as I write. Some of the things I am thankful for are my family, the wonderful guests we have in the restaurant and my good husband. I love living at the coast. I have to admit that we work harder than I like but I like the work so it all balances out. Take a walk today and think of the things you are grateful for. Chances are... I am thinking of you.